CESSNA TURBO 182T SKYLANE – ANO – 2006 – 991 H.T.
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*Ex works
Valor de venda + impostos para nacionalização.
Fresh out of annual, this beautiful T182T has been maintained to the highest standards with an open checkbook. Aircraft has been hangared since new and has no damage history.
- Max Takeoff Weight 3,100 lb
- Useful Load 980 lb
- Fuel Capacity Volume 87 gal
- Complete Logs
- Engine 1 Make/Model LYCOMING TIO-540-AK1A
- Engine Horsepower 235 HP
- Engine 1 Time 810 SNEW
- Year Engine Overhauled or Installed as New 2006
- Engine Time Between Overhaul 2,000
- Turbocharged
- Prop Manufacturer MCCAULEY
- Prop Model B3D36C442
- Number of Blades 3
- Prop Notes Prop overhauled at 397 tach hours
- Flight Deck Manufacturer/Model GARMIN G1000
- ADS-B Equipped
- GDU-1040 Primary Flight Display (PFD)
- GDU-1040 Multi-function Display (MFD)
- GMA-1347 Digital Audio Panel with Marker Beacon/Intercom
- GIA-63 NAV/COM/GPS with Glideslope #2
- GTX-345R ADSB In & OutTransponder
- GEA-71 Engine/Airframe Computer
- CHT/EGT Sensors – All Cylinders
- Fuel Flow Meter
- Manifold/Tachometer/Vacuum Sensors
- GDC-74 Air Data Computer with OAT Probe
- GMU-44 Magnetometer
- KAP-140 Dual Axis Autopilot Altitude Preselect
- Emergency Locator Transmitter
- Emergency Locator Transmitter Remote Mounted Switch
- WX-500 Stormscope
- Auxiliary Stereo Input Jack
- Blind Turn Coordinator for KAP-140
- Avionics Circuit Breaker Panel
- Single Engine Driven Vacuum Pump System
- Backup Mechanical Instruments
- Attitude (Vacuum Gyro)
- Airspeed
- Altimeter
- Magnetic Compass
- Pitot System – Heated
- Static System
- Alternate Static Source
- Audible Stall Warning System – Heated
- Avionics Cooling Fans
- GDL-69A Flight Information System (FIS) with XM Radio
Synthetic Vision
Additional Equipment
- Oxygen System
- Yes
- Additional Equipment
- Amsafe Airbag Seatbelts
- Polished Spinner
- Hot Prop
- Rosen Sun Visors
- Electric Trim
- Exterior
- Year Painted
- 2006
- Exterior Notes
A aeronave acima é de terceiros, os dados estão sujeitos a verificação.
1 x 230 HP
Best Cruise Speed:
143 KIAS
Best Range (i):
807 NM
Fuel Burn @ 75%:
13.8 GPH
Stall Speed:
Rate of climb:
1,010 FPM
16,500 FT
Takeoff distance:
705 FT
Landing distance:
590 FT
Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle:
1,350 FT
Landing distance over 50ft obstacle:
1,350 FT
*Ex works
Valor de venda + impostos para nacionalização.
Fresh out of annual, this beautiful T182T has been maintained to the highest standards with an open checkbook. Aircraft has been hangared since new and has no damage history.
- Max Takeoff Weight 3,100 lb
- Useful Load 980 lb
- Fuel Capacity Volume 87 gal
- Complete Logs
- Engine 1 Make/Model LYCOMING TIO-540-AK1A
- Engine Horsepower 235 HP
- Engine 1 Time 810 SNEW
- Year Engine Overhauled or Installed as New 2006
- Engine Time Between Overhaul 2,000
- Turbocharged
- Prop Manufacturer MCCAULEY
- Prop Model B3D36C442
- Number of Blades 3
- Prop Notes Prop overhauled at 397 tach hours
- Flight Deck Manufacturer/Model GARMIN G1000
- ADS-B Equipped
- GDU-1040 Primary Flight Display (PFD)
- GDU-1040 Multi-function Display (MFD)
- GMA-1347 Digital Audio Panel with Marker Beacon/Intercom
- GIA-63 NAV/COM/GPS with Glideslope #2
- GTX-345R ADSB In & OutTransponder
- GEA-71 Engine/Airframe Computer
- CHT/EGT Sensors – All Cylinders
- Fuel Flow Meter
- Manifold/Tachometer/Vacuum Sensors
- GDC-74 Air Data Computer with OAT Probe
- GMU-44 Magnetometer
- KAP-140 Dual Axis Autopilot Altitude Preselect
- Emergency Locator Transmitter
- Emergency Locator Transmitter Remote Mounted Switch
- WX-500 Stormscope
- Auxiliary Stereo Input Jack
- Blind Turn Coordinator for KAP-140
- Avionics Circuit Breaker Panel
- Single Engine Driven Vacuum Pump System
- Backup Mechanical Instruments
- Attitude (Vacuum Gyro)
- Airspeed
- Altimeter
- Magnetic Compass
- Pitot System – Heated
- Static System
- Alternate Static Source
- Audible Stall Warning System – Heated
- Avionics Cooling Fans
- GDL-69A Flight Information System (FIS) with XM Radio
Synthetic Vision
Additional Equipment
- Oxygen System
- Yes
- Additional Equipment
- Amsafe Airbag Seatbelts
- Polished Spinner
- Hot Prop
- Rosen Sun Visors
- Electric Trim
- Exterior
- Year Painted
- 2006
- Exterior Notes
A aeronave acima é de terceiros, os dados estão sujeitos a verificação.
1 x 230 HP
Best Cruise Speed:
143 KIAS
Best Range (i):
807 NM
Fuel Burn @ 75%:
13.8 GPH
Stall Speed:
Rate of climb:
1,010 FPM
16,500 FT
Takeoff distance:
705 FT
Landing distance:
590 FT
Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle:
1,350 FT
Landing distance over 50ft obstacle:
1,350 FT
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